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The (almost) lost art of writing letters

Updated: Feb 19, 2021

We send emails and texts because they are quick. They are immediate! We can use acronyms (OTOH, TTYL, ILY), short phrases and emojis. We probably would not write ILY (I love you) or simply "yep" in a handwritten letter. If we have taken the time to sit down and write with pen on paper we have time to think about what we want to say...and how best to say it. In the time it takes to write a letter, anger often fades and reason returns. We choose our words more carefully.

Texts are meant to be short and to the point. They simplify what could otherwise be a long conversation. Emails may take longer, but we can still have a response in minutes. Technology has given us the ability to connect with friends and businesses with the click of a button. The downside is that we also write texts and emails quickly. My kids have told me that it can sometimes be difficult to understand the meaning behind a text. When a friend texts a simple "No" as an answer, it can seem rude, even angry. It may have been a quick reply with no ill-intent, but suddenly that harmless one word response takes on new meaning for the recipient. Is it rude? Sarcastic? Witty? So much can be read in between the lines.

There are times that a letter simply won't work in place of a text or an email. If a friend asks if we can meet tomorrow, of course it would be silly to write a letter to respond. But writing a letter just because can be invaluable in strengthening relationships. Try it. Just write a couple short sentences to a friend, grandmother or cousin. Write a letter to your friend thanking him/her for the kind birthday gift. Pop a letter in the mail to your old neighbor saying hi and that you miss them. Kids, write a note to your grandparents telling them about your week; even the boring stuff is okay. You'll bring a smile to the face of the lucky recipient. Isn't that worth the time?


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